Bronx Masonic District Officers 2022
District Deputy Grand Master
Gilberto Agosto Jr.
Staff Officer- Grand Director of Ceremonies
Edwin Ramon Berroa
Assistant Grand Lecture
Emilio Velez
North Star District Chairman
Gilberto Agosto Jr.
District OLP Webmaster
Edwin R. Berroa, Gilberto Agosto Jr.
The Bronx Masonic District Lodges

Wyoming Lodge #342
Master Matthew Frank
1st Thursdays
Except July & August
(3rd Thursday Fellowcraft Club)

Guiding Star-Angle Lodge #565
Master Christopher Nieves
1st Wednesdays
Except July & August
(3rd Wednesdays Fellowcraft Club)

Pelham Lodge #712
Master Ricardo Morales
1 & 3 Tuesdays

Hebron Lodge #813
Master Jimmy J. Hojas
2nd Tuesdays
Concordant and Appendant Bodies and the Grand Lodge of New York
Minnehaha Chapter No. 227
Worthy Matron Nina L Colon
2nd Wednesdays
Except July & August
Knights Templar Chapter
DeMolay New York
DeMolay International

West Gate Chapter
Low Twelve Riders
Solomon’s Knights Chapter
Long Island, NY